On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 11:53 AM John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> In article <
> 939a57ce-4fcc-bd72-b2a4-632febbbb...@spamtrap.tnetconsulting.net> you
> write:
> >Also, it would be trivial for spam trap operators to disqualify their
> >domains by stating that they do send email from said domains.
> Why would spam trap domains want to say anything?
> What would tbe point of this BL be other than listwashing?

Tools can be used for good and bad purposes.  At some level, an ESP is
trusting mailing lists from their customers, and
knows that some of those lists are bad, even if the customer claims the
lists are on the up and up.  Any "white hat" ESP is going
to have various systems in place to try and catch these bad lists and bad
customers before they send mail.  A grey or black hat
ESP could use that to just remove the known bad entries.

Its kind of the same purpose served by feedback loops, though feedback
loops are after the spam is already sent.

Its all grey.

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