On Tue, 28 May 2019 11:57:01 -0600, "Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. via mailop"
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>I'm pretty much giving up on Marketo - and about to BL them and also recommend 
>to others that they do so - as I have *never* received anything other than 
>spam from them, and while they may still have a few good people there, it 
>doesn't seem to make a blind bit of difference overall.
>Does anyone have any counter-arguments?

All I could say would be that 100% of the identified Marketo traffic over the
past six days has been legitmate magazines (e.g. Wired, Smithsonian, Texas
Health) that users have subscribed to.  

There would be a fuss.

There's a funny thing that happens when you know the correct
answer.  It throws you when you get a different answer that
is not wrong.    -- Dr Bowman (Freefall)

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