On Fri, 23 Aug 2019 16:08:50 -0400, Damon via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

>Back in the day of the IETF ASRG, I think we said it’s spam if the user
>calls it spam. In other words - it’s in the eye of the beholder. For legal
>purposes UBE, and later UCE, were defined with the legal speak.

"SPAM" was first "Software Person Attempting Management", at least in Ford's
Engine Engineering groups back in the '80s.  Then, after the greencard Usenet
event, it meant "The same thing, over and over and over again."  

Then came Willie Newell, SoundCity, S. Wallace, and many others.  Hormel
agreed that "SPAM" referred to their proprietary meat-ish product, and other
formats of those four letters could refer to unwanted network traffic.  So,
don't write "SPAM" unless you are speaking of some variety of spiced ham.  

Brussels Sprouts optional.

The central concept has always been "consent, not content".  Still works well
25 years later.

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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