The thing is.. maybe technically savvy users don’t need spam folders. But 
having „normies“ in mind, like I’m thinking of my parents or friends who work 
in a totally different industry, I’m sure we need spam folders.
Why? Because most people are kind of lazy. They don’t want to move spam away, 
even if it’s only one click. They want the provider to do it for them. And if 
they can choose from multiple providers (e.g. Google vs. 
<> vs. Yahoo …) they will choose the more convenient option. 
(Just think of WhatsApp or messengers in general.. WA was so extremely 
successful, because it was the first who’s was really convenient for the users).

And (especially big) providers do whatever the majority of the users want, 
because that’s what enables their business.
If you run a server for a couple of users, simply try the approach you’re 
suggesting here and wait for the reaction. I’m pretty sure most users won’t be 
very happy and ask you to bring back the old behavior.

> Am 16.10.2019 um 14:19 schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop <>:
> Dnia 16.10.2019 o godz. 13:01:49 Paul Smith via mailop pisze:
>> In your first situation, rejecting the messages is very bad. In the
>> second situation, rejecting the messages *may* be better than
>> accepting and semi-hiding - but only if you have another viable way
>> of contacting the recipient. So, in general, rejecting is the worse
>> option.
> I'm not in favour of rejecting.
> I would rather be in favour of only *marking* the possible spam as spam,
> without auto-moving it to the spam folder, and leaving the option to do so
> to the user. It may be a single-click setup that turns on automatical moving
> of messages marked as spam to the spam folder, but still if this would
> require user's decision, the user will be more aware that such thing as spam
> folder exists at all, and more likely to check this folder periodically than
> in case when this is set up automatically by email provider and the user
> might even don't know about it.
> -- 
> Regards,
>   Jaroslaw Rafa
> --
> "In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
> was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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