
this email takes inspiration from the long "Do we need Spam folders?" thread, and it specifically concerns how to take advantage of MUAs and possibly cloud providers ability to automatically move mails marked as spam to the dedicated junk folder.

We deliver "cloud" antispam protection like many others, meaning that we scan emails, do our things, and, for what survives smtp rejection, we add some headers and deliver to the destination mail server.

For people that reads mails with Thunderbird, we tell them to enable the "Trust SpamAssassin headers" option to have the emails automatically moved to the Junk folder by the MUA, but for customers using Outlook 201* I wasn't able to find anything like that. Does anybody knows a way to tell Outlook to do what Thunderbird does? Maybe by faking the X-Forefront-Antispam-Report?

Thanks for any hint you could give and apologies if this is too much OT

Daniele Duca

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