Dnia 24.01.2020 o godz. 15:11:58 Brandon Long via mailop pisze:
> There is no way to guarantee that a first-time email arrives in the inbox.
> If there was, the spammers would all use it.
> The best you can do is "attach" your email to some existing source of
> reputation.
> Unfortunately, running your own mail server for 20 years sending <10
> messages
> a month to Gmail isn't an existing source of reputation.  Where you're
> hosting your
> mail server is... and it's usually bad.

So we are back to beginning, which is basically a statement of "nothing can
be done about this".
In that case, if Google wants to be honest to their users, you should
clearly explain to them somehow (you do have UI specialists, so you probably
can think of some good method that won't get unnoticed) what you stated
above: that there is no guarantee, that a first time email from a user you
don't know and didn't interact with previously, will arrive in your Inbox. 
Because that's not obvious and that's not what most people would expect from
an email service, I guess. For most people it's obvious that if someone sent
them an email, they will receive it (of course, an accident may always
happen and the email gets lost somehow, but we are talking here about a
rule, not about accidents).
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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