Alessandro Vesely wrote:
Even without 2FA, a password different from "12345" is probably desperately
hard to guess.  An activity suited for bots running at someone else's

Enabling Dovecot auth_verbose and mail_debug will show credential failures
and in most cases you're right, they are nothing to worry about, especially
with fail2ban monitoring repeat offenders.  OTOH it also seems that few sites
do anything to test password strength once it is set.

Perhaps more interesting is the fact that the vast majority of ESPs don't
even think about obfuscating _usernames_.  Are there good reasons to use a
well known string like the email address for half of a credential?  While not
the default it doesn't take much additional configuration to allow users to
define their own MUA username which doesn't (and IMO shouldn't) have anything
in common with their email address/es.

Roger Marquis

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