Christian, I found myself in a similar boat needing to contact Cox. We emailed the official address for our issue ( & on Feb 26th and did not get a response until March 21st. The response said that there were no issues seen in the last 7 days and asked us to provide a better example (we had provided the postfix log lines that clearly displayed our issue at the time). This is beyond frustrating that Cox took nearly a month to respond and then had the gall to ask us to send a fresh example due to their delay.

Thankfully, after reaching out on this list (as you have just done) we received a response from a third party that was able to direct our concern to a knowledgeable individual at Cox (or their email provider). If you do not hear back from someone within 24 hrs let me know and I will dig up the contact and point them in your direction.


On 5/6/2020 8:11 AM, Annex Ian via mailop wrote:
hello there!

Referring to the posts: we also see repetitive CXCNCT errors for our mx-servers.

Can anyone help us out please, maybe with a contact-address? None of our attempts to contact in the last weeks got us a reply or fix.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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