
I should be able to point you to the right people that can help . I'll reach out off list.



On 5/20/20 1:43 PM, Hagop Khatchoian via mailop wrote:

I've been working with several domains that use AmazonSES and been analyzing DMARC Aggregate and Failure reports accordingly.

Majority of Reporters (Google, Comcast, Verizon) are verifying DKIM Signature, but been receiving Failure/Forensic reports from AntiSpamCloud (Thankfully we got some providers who still send Failure reports) indicating this: /X-SPF-Result: mx178.antispamcloud.com: domain of eu-west-1.amazonses.com designates as permitted sender/
/X-DKIM-Status: none / / eu-west-1.amazonses.com / / //
/X-DKIM-Status: fail / signature_incorrect / domain.com / domain.com / / quffadg26ibodxkvgsxvf2jd7ykxirwf/ /X-DKIM-Status: fail / signature_incorrect / amazonses.com / amazonses.com / / shh3fegwg5fppqsuzphvschd53n6ihuv/

So basically, what I can conclude myself is:
AmazonSES signs the outgoing emails from their servers with 2 DKIM Signatures (One from AmazonSES, the other from the registered domain who created custom DKIM Record. Interestingly, AntiSpamCloud is labeling those both signatures as "incorrect" and failing the authentication.

Have anyone else included this exact issue? What did you do to solve it?

Bonus: Not sure if this cause any issues, but AmazonSES provides DKIM Public Signature with just "p=[key]" ; there's nothing in regards to "v=DKIM1, or any other tags" --

Please let me know if you can help me debug this.

Hagop Khatchoyan
Email Deliverability and Security Engineer
Mob(Whatsapp/Telegram/Viber): +374 98 028628

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