On 6/17/20 11:15 PM, Dave Warren via mailop wrote:
> A bit late, sorry.
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2020, at 04:55, Ken O'Driscoll via mailop wrote:
>> On Thu, 2020-05-28 at 13:35 -0600, Daniele Nicolodi via mailop wrote:
>>> Does anyone know if there is any alternative to Outlook to access
>>> Exchange Online mailboxes that require modern authentication?
>> Take a look at Davmail, it's basically a proxy that sits in-between your 
>> existing "legacy" MUA and O365. It handles all of the MFA and talks EWA then 
>> presents standards based IMAP, SMTP, CalDAV and CardDAV protocol interfaces 
>> for your MTA to use.
>> I don't know if it will work for your specific environment but it works for 
>> most people that what to continue to use Thunderbird etc. with Exchange.

Davmail seems to work okay for single user systems, but hosting it as a proxy 
for multiple users seems dicey.  I got it running in a container and started 
down the process of fishing out the OAuth URI from the logs so that I could 
somehow render it back to the user to complete the authorization process...  At 
that point I started to get skeptical that it would scale and have adequate 
session isolation.

> Thunderbird beta (78.0b2) supports M365’s OAuth2 support natively, no 
> external shim required.
> The setup is a little weird, you need to set up the account, go to the 
> advanced settings (so that it creates the account despite not working), 
> switch the authentication to OAuth2 for both IMAP and SMTP, it just works. 

Yes, the TB devs did a great job!  I assume that Microsoft offered some 
assistance behind the scenes, so kudos to them too.  I'm using it now.  I think 
they're making some improvements to the setup UX based on the comments I've 
seen in Bugzilla.  Once it comes out of beta, I can combine it with the TBSync 
extension (which syncs the non-email things from M365) it will be my sole MUA 


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