On 2020-08-19 18:24:30 (+0800), Andreas Schamanek via mailop wrote:
On Wed, 19 Aug 2020, at 09:51, Andy Smith via mailop wrote:
Since yesterday I've been seeing a large number of attempted
subscriptions to all the public lists on one of my Mailman servers. (...)

I can confirm this for my servers from top to end including some of the hashes.

BTW, Mailman mm_cfg.py option `SUBSCRIBE_FORM_SECRET` apparently mitigates the DoS, too.

We've also had some success in the past with raising SUBSCRIBE_FORM_MIN_TIME. It may catch out some legitimate subscribers with short email addresses (and/or who type quickly) but we've never heard anyone complain.


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises

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