On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 07:38:38AM -0400, micah anderson via mailop wrote:
> I don't know about you, but we get contacted by these companies who want
> to buy/rent our unused IP resources, fairly regularly. They claim to be
> 'providers of proxy and email marketing resources', 'SEO Proxy, e-mail
> marketing, Hosting, VPS', etc (see below for an example).
> They are very persistent, and if you try you can find they typically
> will offer something around 100-150$ USD/month to rent your /24, and
> will also pay $1/IP. They usually want to know what the address space is
> in advance, because they are looking for 'clean' addresses.
> This can't be anything other than a pipeline for spammers, and it must
> work. I'm wondering if this can be shut down somehow, does it require
> policy changes at RIRs?
Not speaking officially for the ARIN AC, but I'll point out that
legitimizing the leasing market in policy by way of Draft Policy
ARIN-2019-18: LIR/ISP Re-Assignment to Non-Connected Networks
(https://www.arin.net/vault/policy/proposals/2019_18.html) was
largely opposed by the ARIN community (Sept 2019 PPML thread
Oct 2019 PPML thread 
ARIN44 meeting session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXyZkeaBf5Q)
and abandoned by the AC. 

However a policy respesenting the converse, explictly calling it 
out as prohibited, has not been put forward by the community. If 
anyone is interested in developing such a policy, please feel free 
to either 
- submit yourself per the Policy Development Process
 (https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/pdp/ and specifically
 template https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/pdp/appendix_b/).
- engage me via jzp-ari...@rsuc.gweep.net (or another Advisory  
  Council member https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/ac/) and 
  we can help you shape up a proposal.

Joe, who has had a couple leasing enquiries this week alone.

Posted from my personal account - see X-Disclaimer header.
Joe Provo / Gweep / Earthling 

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