
Anyone else seeing issues with deliveries to outlook.com and subsequent
mail.protection.outlook.com hosted domains? Looks like it started around
06:50 UTC.

On some deliveries after I send EHLO things goes silent and I timeout
after 300s with loglines like this in my mta (Halon):
Temporarily failed delivery to <some-outlook-hosted-address> (retry 0)
in 300.107s: Network error: Read timeout (300s) waiting for data (EHLO)

I noticed due to concurrency limits I've set up so my queue with unsent
mails to outlook started to rise quite quickly when all slots were taken
by hanging connections...

A vast majority of the hanging connections are to and with deliveries to other IPs in their ranges going fine...

BR/Mvh. Dan Malm, Systems Engineer, One.com

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