Dnia 23.10.2020 o godz. 22:48:42 Adam Moffett via mailop pisze:
> An additional argument is how much support labor is it worth to
> guide/force/teach the use of cloud storage compared to the risks of
> allowing larger emails?  One of these is things is way easier.
> Someday I may bow to the needs of ignorance because it's easier.

I always wondered, why - as it seems - noone ever tried to standardize and
get implemented Internet-wide a service that existed in the old academic
Bitnet/EARN network. In that network, each user account was associated with
two types of default inboxes: a mail inbox and a file inbox. Complementary
to the email service, which worked almost the same as Internet email (RFC822
style message format, etc.) - although it was plain text only, MIME didn't
yet exist at that time - there was another service called "sendfile", used to
send arbitrary files to the recipient. Both services used recipient's
e-mail address to send, mail messages arrived in mail inbox, and files
arrived in file inbox (which was something like a special directory in the
filesystem, and you could just copy the files from there). That was simple
to use and worked. Why nobody ever tried to write a RFC for something like
"sendfile" and implement it in MUAs?

(In one of the places I worked previously, we tried to create our own poor
man's "sendfile" replacement, by plugging a mail filter into a MTA, which
removed from submitted messages attachments larger than a certain size,
stored them on a webserver with randomly generated links, and put these
links in outgoing message instead of removed attachments. The recipient
could download the original file by clicking on a link received in the
message. That's of course a very primitive approach, as the real
implementation would have to be in the MUA).
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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