Hey Eric,

> bounces+7456750-0096-

https://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/listings/sendgrid.com shows SBL500803 and
SBL500804 for this customer, so it's clearly been interesting and high-
volume enough for somebody else to notice too.

> bounces+28313-9769-

This is Bullhornmail.com, a recruiting company. I do see some mail from
them in our spamtraps but it's related to recruitment, so while it might
be spam, it doesn't look like phishing to me.

Atro Tossavainen, Founder, Partner
Koli-Lõks OÜ (reg. no. 12815457, VAT ID EE101811635)
Tallinn, Estonia
tel. +372-5883-4269, http://www.koliloks.eu/
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