On 18.12.20 02:58, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> In article <469F9E736EE5DB4A8C04A6F7527268FA01CA03E20B@MACNT35.macro.local> 
> you write:
>> Hi
>> Where we have multiple internet connections, we setup MX records for both 
>> connections.  If one connection is down,
>> email flows through the other one.
> That sounds like two equal priority MX records.  No problem with that.
> Personally I'd use two A records for one name, but whatever.

That's round robin, not "backup"? Systems will "randomly" connect to
both connections and fail if one line is down - which was not the
intention here.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
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