On 2020-12-22 3:34 PM, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> In article <d8383e61-6be1-20c9-2e97-830139899...@easydns.com> you write:
>> The only basis on which these emails should be judged is on whether
>> they're spam or malware.
> This suggests you're OK with child pornography and beheading videos so
> long as subscribers ask for them. And what about the Malware of the
> Day club?

John, I would have expected better from you. If you want to be taken
seriously, then don't make asinine mis-characterizations like this.

There are clear, existing, unambiguous laws against this, and nobody
questions any entity who not only declines to facilitate this but
actively purges it from their platforms.

Where I have a problem is the idea that infrastructure vendors should
take action against all content John Levine finds irresponsible.
Alternative views on COVID, and the vaccine, if we must get specific,
can not in any reasonable stretch be put into the same bucket as child
pornography and beheading videos. Trying to make /that/ argument is what
is really irresponsible.

> As someone else already said, Sendgrid is not the government. They
> have every right to decline to sign up undesirable customers.

Yes, sendgrid is not the government, and neither are you. As far as I
knew this thread isn't about Sendgrid refusing to take on customers who
are sending out vaccine skepticism emails. It's about /you /thinking
/Sendgrid should /not take on people who are sending out those emails. 

You aren't sendgrid, so unless it's spam, this really isn't your problem.

- mark

> R's,
> John
> PS: As we all know, every complex problem has an answer that is clear,
> simple, and wrong.
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Mark E. Jeftovic <mar...@easydns.com>
Co-founder & CEO, easyDNS Technologies Inc.
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