That sounds absolutely terrible. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. via mailop" <> 
To: "Jarland Donnell via mailop" <> 
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 4:52:10 PM 
Subject: [mailop] MailChimp to be Acquired by Intuit 

So this is apparently happening: 

Begin forwarded message: 

From: Ben Chestnut, Mailchimp < > 

Subject: Big News from Mailchimp: We're Planning to be Acquired by Intuit 

Date: September 13, 2021 at 1:56:01 PM PDT 

Reply-To: Ben Chestnut, Mailchimp < > 


To our Mailchimp customers, 

My partner Dan Kurzius and I founded Mailchimp nearly 20 years ago. We’ll never 
forget the early days in a tiny office we rented on the west side of Atlanta. I 
sketched logo after logo before finally deciding that the monkey with a mail 
carrier hat struck just the right tone, while Dan sat next to me writing code 
and talking with customers. 

We both come from entrepreneurial families. Dan’s dad owned a bakery, and my 
mom was a small business owner who ran a hair salon out of our family kitchen. 
From the very beginning, we always wanted to empower small businesses to grow. 
It’s in our DNA, and it became our mission with Mailchimp. For a long time, we 
focused on doing one thing extremely well: email marketing. Customers started 
asking us to sprinkle the Mailchimp magic on other channels, and we did. Along 
the way, we built an amazing team and innovated fast to meet your needs, 
eventually building an all-in-one marketing platform for small businesses. 

Today, I’m excited to share that we’re accelerating this evolution by joining 
forces with Intuit. Read the press release here . 

Since day one, setting our customers up for success has been our top priority, 
and we’re confident that our acquisition by Intuit will advance that mission 
and secure the legacy of support for small businesses that we’ve built over the 
last 20 years. 

Like Mailchimp, understanding small businesses is embedded in Intuit’s DNA, 
which affirms my belief that this is the right next step for Mailchimp, our 
employees, and importantly, our customers. Intuit is a mission-driven global 
financial technology platform, and you might already use some of their products 
– like TurboTax and QuickBooks – that enable small and mid-sized businesses to 
prosper. Combining our marketing platform with Intuit’s AI-driven expert 
platform will allow us to create products and services that solve our 
customers’ biggest challenges, so you can thrive. 

Together with Intuit, we’ll deliver an innovative small business growth engine 
powered by marketing automation, customer relationship management, accounting 
and compliance, payments and expense, and e-commerce solutions, creating a 
single source of truth for your business. We’ll also be able to offer more 
personalized support and onboarding, expand our international footprint, and 
scale our teams to innovate faster and deliver the solutions you want and need. 

While our ownership will change once the transaction closes, which we expect to 
happen prior to the end of Intuit’s second quarter fiscal 2022, our platform 
will stay Mailchimp through and through: the same user-friendly products and 
tools, the same resources and support, and the same brand you know and love. In 
fact, our goal is for all of these things to get even better as part of Intuit. 
And, in the meantime, you’ll have the customer experience you’ve come to expect 
from Mailchimp – including your monthly plan and 24/7 access to our 
award-winning support team. We know that our customers and partners expect 
consistency and continuity as much as they expect new features and 
functionality, and we’re committed to meeting your needs as we move forward 
together with Intuit. We’ll keep you updated as things progress. 

Thanks for trusting us to help you grow your business. At our core, Mailchimp 
will always be the humble little monkey that I sketched in those early days, 
and our mission to empower the underdog will always be our north star. 


Ben Chestnut 
Co-founder and CEO 

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