My mom has been an AOL user for decades, and still has and uses her AOL
address as her primary address. Lately, none of her messages have
contained a Message-ID header, which we treat as brokenness here,
because it's wrong and stupid and broken, so she's been having trouble
emailing us. I know it's a SHOULD even in RFC5322 but come on, people,
it's expected. I don't know why anyone would remove support for it in
any MUA, and it's been there for years and years. And as recently as
today, but suddenly it's gone.

Is this a deliberate act of stupidity or just some form of random
failure to comply with longstanding tradition? I've whitelisted her here
but wonder if anyone else is seeing this idiocy and has some insight
into why and how it just suddenly started showing up?

-- v: +1(919)834-2552 f: +1(919)834-2553 w:
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