On Fri 28/Jan/2022 22:57:08 +0100 Jan-Pieter Cornet via mailop wrote:
On 27-1-22 11:30, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
On Wed 26/Jan/2022 09:03:11 +0100 Mailop wrote:
In general, there are also a lot of other _dmarc. records, that have e-mail addresses that doesn't work and generate undelivered messages.

Yes.  I coded a way to exclude bouncing addresses, but then never set it up.

But if we're carping about bouncing dmarc reports, can I give a dishonorable mention to dm...@mailinblue.com? They have "only" been bouncing reports since september last year, but they receive reports for hundreds of domains.

I thought they had much less customers than that. Their bouncing is often due to Gmail's "ReceivingRate" limitator. See the discussion at

However, it is about one week since I saw the last such bounce. Perhaps they're changing it.


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