On Fri, 6 May 2022, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
On 5/6/22 9:14 AM, Luis E. Muñoz via mailop wrote:
I think the response to those issues are in part the cause for the loop you cleverly explained before.


These are the very issues that caused me to be disinclined to stand my ARC milter back up when it fell over after an update.

ARC seems to be dependent on trusting the signer. That trust is inherently difficult to establish.

Can anyone (Brandon?) tell us how Google scores the forwarder for a forwarded ARC-signed message compared to the same message without ARC ?

I would hope that the forwarder would get some credit for making
the details of the previous hop sufficiently reliable to score.

If so, then it is useful to ARC-sign a message when forwarding, even
when we have no data upon which to evalate incoming ARC signatures.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK
mailop mailing list

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