Dňa 13. augusta 2022 23:43:45 UTC používateľ Michael Rathbun via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:
>On 13 Aug 2022 18:46:02 -0400, John Levine via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>
>I wasn't able to find anything notable about that.  "Nadine", who died quite a
>while back, frequently gets the "I've hacked your system and have the video of

That is not targeted. Once per month my MTA is flooded with (exactly) the same
emails, even translated to our language from about 3000 IPs  from whole
world and tooks 24-48 hours.. They are addressed to many recipients, both
existing and not existing. I can see the same emails even on my job's email
-- different domain, different MTA, different provider, only language and words
are the same ;-) Thay repeats for long time. Most of that IPs are known
to many RBLs (about 80%), hacked PCs + some accounts (my guess).

From month to month, these emails uses different words, but content
is the same: "pay in bitcoin, othervise your video will be published", etc.

Do not wory about its targeting. They are only carefully worded, to they
looks as personalized... Simple improve your filtering, or if you cannot
that, delete/ignore them.

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