If anybody at GovDelivery has questions about deliverability issues, I see
some continuing fallout from a subscription forgery run against several US
Government agencies, beginning on Fri, 10 Dec 2021.

Some of these agencies performed subscription verification, and no further
traffic after "Account request expired" messages one week later.  Those were:
 U.S. Department of Homeland Security
 Health and Human Services Ready Campaign 
 Federal Emergency Management Agency

The non-verifying senders include 
 America250 Foundation
 U.S. Census Bureau
 The National Institute of Nursing Research

Subscription requests were entered for a tagged address used to
register a Palm Pilot device twenty or so years ago; the leaking of that
address was mentioned in a NYT article that Saul Hansell did about spam.  

This is a "sudden death" spamtrap.  On first delivery the IP will be
blocklisted for 24 hours.  Subsequent deliveries will cause the listing time
to double, up to about 16 days.  There are currently 8 IPs knocking at the
door, a couple have about eleven days left in exile.

Another address, a fraud/theft detection seed, was also forge-subscribed, and
around this time was added to a number of political mailing lists, as well as
being used as the contact address for a fraudulent AT&T account created in my
wife's name.

If nothing else, inserting a mechanism for dropping "subscribers" who have not
engaged in the previous 90 to 180 days would be helpful.

       Those who can make you believe absurdities 
       can make you commit atrocities.
                -- Voltaire

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