It was purely observational, I thought others had already noticed it. It consumed a lot of support time on our side. Maybe I'll try to pull the data to get a better idea of how it looked by the numbers.

On 2022-08-27 22:28, Darrell Budic via mailop wrote:
Was there any published notification about this? Not that there’s a
good place for it, but between mailop and nanog, I’d have thought I’d
have seen it…

At any rate, this error message seems like it would be better as
“Gmail now requires senders to have SPF and/or DKIM enabled to send
mail to Gmail” instead of saying it failed checks. Less misleading
that way, and I’m not saying to my customer “I don’t know why it says
that, you don’t seem to have SPF setup…”

I mean, yay for more correct SPF, but boo for bad error messages.

On Aug 27, 2022, at 5:28 PM, Jarland Donnell via mailop <> wrote:

Google has recent started requiring SPF. I don't know if they require it 100% of the time but they do now reject emails from domains that either don't have it, or have it improperly configured, and they won't accept it from those domains until it's fixed. It has helped me a good bit, making it easier to identify my customers that are violating my policy and sending without valid SPF.

At least, by this point, we should be able to say that everyone has had an opportunity to at least adopt SPF. Anyone who doesn't, by now, generally doesn't care about their delivery quality.

On 2022-08-27 17:09, Darrell Budic via mailop wrote:
Anyone else seeing this? Customer of mine just got some bounces from
gmail for invalid SPF/DKIM. He doesn’t have either, so I’m not
sure what this is about?
Mind you, I did send him to setup a valid SPF entry, and
authentication is good, but this seems like a misleading error
The mail system
<>: host
[1][] said:
550-5.7.26 This message does not pass authentication checks (SPF
and DKIM
both 550-5.7.26 do not pass). SPF check for [ [2]]
does not pass
with ip: 550-5.7.26 [].To best protect our users
from spam,
the message 550-5.7.26 has been blocked. Please visit 550-5.7.26 for
more 550
5.7.26 information.
b185-20020a2567c2000000b006953ea7fad6si1842767ybc.571 -
gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command)
Reporting-MTA: dns; [3]
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 358D21F4D4
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Arrival-Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2022 13:10:52 +0000 (UTC)
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