Dňa 12. októbra 2022 11:54:16 UTC používateľ "Laurent S. via mailop" 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>Obviously, our team is always blamed in such case and I am still waiting for 
>the day that a microsoft client complain to microsoft about delivery issues 
>and not to us.

They will do not stop complaining to you, until you don't stop solving MS's
issues. Or, at least, untill you do not start pointing them, that you can solve
it with server's admins only. But i afraid, that this will never happen...

I did some experiments with that (not mail related) in past and most often
user's response was something as -- "They are big, they are doing things
right!" The most of us known, that "big" and "right" are independent


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