Just as a side note/PSA in case people missed this; While the Internet is 
moving towards a 'well, that OpenSSL bug was not toooo bad; It would need 
either a malicious server with a _signed_ cert (or cert checks being disabled), 
OR a malicious client and the use of cert-auth' perspective...

MTAs usually do a lot of outbound TLS acting as clients to remote servers, but 
opportunistically (disabled cert validation). This might also be triggered by a 
remote entity directing an MTA to a specific server (think: Using bounces, 

So mail might be one of the few cases where the OpenSSL bug is relevant (even 
though not many run their MTAs on Ubuntu 22.04 or similar, I guess; Docker 
world might be different, no clue what mailcow is doing).

With best regards,

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