> On 19.11.2022 at 16:54 Slavko via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> Please, can it be really as "simple"? If yes, then my inderstanding is,
> that 2FA doesn't solves leaked passwords problem, as asvertised
> by many sites, but it solves only that this problem will be selfsolved
> as token expires (week or two), without user's password changes.
> Is my understanding right?
> If yes, then 2FA is not holly grail of solving the SPAM & leaked
> passwords problem, as attacker can send a lot of SPAM via this
> phished account (ignore rate limiting for now) until OTP expires.
> Right?

As an addition, Multi factor authentication doesn‘t say anything about which 
factors are used or their security. No MFA method provides unbreakable security 
and makes attacks impossible, however in any case it greatly increases the 
barrier for an attack. For example instead of passwords, which are changed 
every few months to never, TOTP expire every 30 to 60 seconds and make password 
reuse attacks impossible. U2F as another example, as mentioned by Ken, provides 
a secret that is cryptographically tied to a service/site which prevents 
phishing via lookalike or typosquatting domains.

The problem with MFA is not that it‘s not secure, but rather that it is more 
difficult to use than 1FA and often also provides no simple recovery procedure 
for forgotten credentials.

BR Oliver

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