> Date: Monday, December 05, 2022 10:50:48 -0800
> From: William Kern 
> I was contacted by a website customer over the weekend, who is
> affected by the RackSpace Exchange "security issue".
> At this point, they are transitioning to O365 so they should be
> fine going forward, but aside from email interruption they are not
> sure how they are affected.
> Their main concern is email disclosure.
> I'm trying to 'google' around but most of what I am finding are
> 'Rackspace is down' and complaints they aren't saying much.
> Does anyway have additional info?
> Since I also have customers who run their own Exchange servers, I'm
> curious if there is some new exploit out there, that they should be
> worried about.
> Sincerely

See their status page:


for hints, such as they are. They have been updating that page every
12 to 24 hours.

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