On 3/9/23 10:45 AM, Michael Grant via mailop wrote:
If I can get this spamhaus issue solved, why should I not just leave it in place so my mailer will talk ipv4 or ipv6? Why just stick with ipv4? I realize it's not necessary today to be able to send on ipv6 but why should I not get this working?

You are opening yourself up to /some/ issues related to the preference of IPv6 over IPv4.

I've had a few receiving domains that I needed to break IPv6 for email.

I've seen a LOT of ... data ... noise ... information ... something about people strongly preferring IPv4 over IPv6 for email if not outright actively discouraging IPv6 for email.

It's a proverbial Your Mileage May Vary.

Just be mindful that you may run into some unexpected things, like your IPv6 address being on an RBL that your IPv4 address is not. And the complications related thereto, like your MTA preferring IPv6 over IPv4 to the destination checking said RBLs.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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