Dňa 22. marca 2023 19:01:45 UTC používateľ John Levine via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>If you want people to accept your mail, it is a good idea not to look
>like a spammer. It is hard for me to imagine why anyone would want to
>use a .PW domain for mail other, perhaps, than the handful of people
>who live there.

For me it is hard to imagine why anyone would want to use .com
domain for mail other, perhaps, than the handful of people who
live there.

Oh, wait, nobody live in COM...

But seriously, what is difference between .com and .pw (or any
other domain name) other than that .com is here +- from start
of DNS?

IIRC .com is top abused TLD as reported by Spamhaus' bothet
report, the .pw is even not in top 20, thus why people do block
.pw but not .com? No, the spam/nospam ratio (often used as
argument) is IMO not real reason, it is just because nobody is
enough brave to block old .com, but many are heroes to block
not as common/new domains.


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