Hello Oliver,

Gellner, Oliver via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> (Di 28 Mär 2023 12:18:59 CEST):
> > If the query for _domainkey.bsi.de would return a no-data answer, than
> > I can assume that they have someing below that name (most probably
> > selectors I do not know until I get a mail from them.)
> Ok, I see your point. However as RFC 8020 mentions:
> "in most known existing resolvers today, a cached nonexistence for a domain 
> is not considered "proof" that there can be no child domains underneath."

Oh, that I didn't see. So thanks for the pointer.

But - they talk about resolvers and cache. I'd assume that asking the
responsible server shouldn't return the NXDOMAIN, unless it doesn't
follow the RFC?

> $ host _domainkey.rubrik.com.
> Host _domainkey.rubrik.com. not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> $ host spk._domainkey.rubrik.com.
> spk._domainkey.rubrik.com. is an alias for 
> spk.domainkey.u6545542.wl043.sendgrid.net.

Hm. Even asking one of the NS for this domain returns NXDOMAIN. That
would extend the RFC8020 statement to the servers too.

> bsi.de is a bad example as it really doesn't have any DKIM selectors, since 
> this domain is not used for sending emails.

Which leads to another question.
*How* can I tell, in case I get a (faked) mail from bsi.de, that they do
not use the domain for sending?

- I can do "cold" recipient verification by an MX lookup for the sending
  domain. bsi.de has MX records. I'd expect a null MX record if they do
  not expect messages messages sent to them (which could be bounces).

- If they would provide DMARC, even for the unused domain, they would help
  me filtering messages claiming to come from their domain.

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
 SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
 Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
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