On Mon, 15 May 2023 17:31:47 +0000, Slavko via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

>Don't worry, you are not alone, ~3000 of them is already in my
>MSA's firewall due AUTH attempts.

On average, between 3,000 and 5,000 connection attempts occur per day, at my
tiny and shrinking (down to four active users).  After all of the auth
attempts are discarded, per day an average of 1993 SMTP sessions are
established, resulting in 416 messages received.  

Of those messages, 114 are to "sudden death" spamtraps, and are delivered only
to Rev Bayes's filtering system;

16 will be to "Nadine", and will be automatically forwarded to interested

Of the remaining 286 average messages per day, about 55 will not be marked as
spam by the filtering system.

55 possibly valid email messages delivered represents about 2% of the total
SMTP activity, on a per-session basis.  As a percentage of total network
activity involving TCP connections to the server, we se slightly less than
0.11% of all of that is actually useful.

Imagine what that's like if you are one of the big mailbos providers.  Spam
and other hostile activity must eat at least 90% of your expense budget.

         -- Chucky

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