On 7/10/23 2:40 PM, Jarland Donnell via mailop wrote:
The problem is, running any blacklist and wanting to constantly speak to people who are often just confused about how relevant your list even is, are very often two different things. So there's not anyone to talk to, at least not from a public-facing angle. It would certainly be nice if anyone on this list that might be representing SEM wanted to speak up on the matter. This sounds to be a case worth speaking up on.

I found myself wondering if there was anything like the Better Business Bureau or some sort of accreditation that RBL operators can apply for wherein they need to:

 - demonstrate that they are responsive
 - publish what is required to be delisted
 - provide points of contact

The intention being that an RBL operator is taking steps / effort to be genuinely good.

Yes, mistakes and accidents happen. It's how those mistakes and accidents are responded to that make all the difference.

I'd wonder if someone like M3AAWG or the likes could fulfill this function.

If such an accreditation existed, then perhaps various filtering software providers could default to only enabling accredited RBLs.

I hope it goes without saying that I would want it to be relatively easy to become accredited. I suspect it would need to be even easier to have such accreditation revoked.

All players start somewhere small and some grow into big players.

Grant. . . .
mailop mailing list

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