On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 01:08:36PM +0300, Lena--- via mailop wrote:
> > I don't know where 
> > to buy the brand of LSD that they did at UC Berkeley when they wrote this, 
> > in order to make m4 make sense.
> They chose incomprehensible m4 in order to coerce you to buy support from 
> them.

M4 isn't even the configuration language?!, it is a standard macro tool package 
that gathered
bits of configuration together to make configuring it a bit easier for standard 
Having the configuration bits wrangled with M4 came about much later in the 
Most people haven't used M4 for anything else other than sendmail config bits. 

Sendmail the software was around for almost 2 decades before Sendmail Inc was 
The Bat book was the original tech support..

The Sendmail configuration is mostly a pattern match based setup. For
back when there were 100's of different email system addressing ways,
and 100s of gateways between them. If they had to only deal with the
way Internet mail works today, they would never have had to have the
complexity seen in the base sendmail config.

If we suddenly had to deal with the email address complexity of the 80's,
all the other email servers would fall over dead. 

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