
  Hmmm, I believe the leading space is how "folded" (extra long
header lines) are denoted so Google is likely viewing the MIME
line as an extension of the from line.

Larry Smith

On Mon September 18 2023 09:53, Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:
> We're seeing an increase of errors from Google's mail servers complaining
> about multiple addresses in the From header.  But these messages do not
> have multiple addresses in the From headers or multiple From headers.
> Best I can tell, this seems to be caused by additional spaces in some of
> the headers, I suppose the header immediately following the From header.
> I'm not really sure who is at fault here.  Are leading spaces in mail
> headers allowed?
> Headers formatted as:
> From: Name <em...@domain.tld>
>  MIME-Version: 1.0
> Generates this multiple addresses in From header error.
> Headers formatted as:
> From: Name <em...@domain.tld>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Does not generate this error and messages are sent through.
> (In case the formatting of this message does not portray the issue
> correctly, there is a single space before MIME-Version: 1.0 in the message
> that generates this error)
> I'm not sure if a leading space in a message header is proper.  But I would
> also kind of lean towards this being a wrong regex being used by Google's
> mail servers to detect multiple addresses in the From header.
> Anybody else seeing this or have any insights?
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