On 1.12.2023 at 06:49 Grant Gordon via mailop wrote:

> with exactly the same problem at the moment, we thought we were the only ones.
> Started noticing it last week Monday as user complaints began rolling 
> in.We're a rather small hosting company and it took us quite a while to 
> narrow down the problem as we only sent mail out from servers in a single 
> domain.
> We came to the same conclusions as you, essentially it boils down to mails 
> sent out from a server with the triggering domain are flagged as SCL:9 and 
> the exact same mail from the same host/IP with a different domain comes back 
> with SCL:1.

> It's definitely not IP reputation based and any lookup of the domain on 
> domain reputation lists comes back as clean. Reaching out to Microsoft has 
> yielded nothing but automated/canned responses and being told that there's no 
> problem's relating to our IP/domain reputation.

> We're working under the assumption that it's not reputation based but rather 
> some kind of content analysis (something like bayesian analysis) that is 
> being tripped up, but this is little more than a guess without some kind of 
> feedback from Microsoft.
> Something I might be able to add is that we're seeing the exact same thing 
> with mail to a domain using Cisco Talos, started exactly the same time, so 
> there definitely seems to be a connection there. Reporting to Cisco I got the 
> same response as from Microsoft, that our IP/Domain reputation was fine and 
> so the ticket was closed.
> Please do let me know if you make any progress on your side and I'll do the 
> same.

Where exactly is the triggering domain mentioned in the email? Or do your 
customers actually use your domain as a sending domain instead of their own 
domains? I don't know what kind of checks Microsoft performs (no one does), but 
Talos checks IP, PTR, HELO, MAIL FROM, header from, reply-to, DKIM domain. If 
you send me the domain, I can check Talos rating.

BR Oliver

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