One question that may be worth raising with Microsoft is:

                If eMail messages aren't getting to their intended receipients 
you're hosting eMail for, then how can we know for certain that they 
weren't delivered to some other recipient's mailbox by mistake?

        This is where privacy laws could become an issue, unless Microsoft 
provides assurnace for mail server administrators to the contrary, 
such as a transcript of a given message's routing points (and they 
wouldn't have to expose internal IP addresses to accomplish this).

        I'm tempted to put this question to Microsoft, but I'm also 
sympathetic to the distinct possibility that their system is just 
unreliable and randomly losing messages -- these are some of the 
considerations that can't be ignored since their systems are, in 
effect, a giant black box.

        As far as asking about SPF records and whatnot, if that is 
intentional gaslighting, then it's quite easy to do because there are 
many aspects of running mail systems these days that can lead to 
problems if not configured properly.

> I never found anyone of consequence who would agree with me or admit 
> that it happens, but I will continue to swear that this is a feature of 
> Hotmail/Outlook. The first time I identified it I think was in 2013. A 
> customer reported the same behavior from their HostGator VPS (when I 
> worked there). I had a test Hotmail account so I logged into their VPS 
> and sent myself an email. Microsoft accepted it, but it was nowhere to 
> be found. Not the spam folder, inbox, nothing. I moved another domain to 
> their VPS temporarily and sent mail from that domain, and it was 
> received. To me that drew the conclusion that this was related to the 
> reputation of the sending domain in Microsoft's systems.
> We're not alone:
> I for one would love to see this topic validated, but all I find across 
> the internet seems to be gaslighting like "Is your SPF correct?"
> On 2023-12-01 22:36, Randolf Richardson, Postmaster via mailop wrote:
> > Some of my users have been reporting that eMail messages are getting
> > lost intermittently when they're sent to users at any internet domain
> > name that relies on OUTLOOK.COM for its MX.
> > 
> >     Our mail server logs confirm that all outbound messages were
> > accepted to those MX's (except for mistyped addresses or when a
> > user's quota is exhausted, in which case the usual SMTP rejections
> > occur).  No bounces were received.
> > 
> >     Users have also reported the same intermittent problems when sending
> > from other providers (including GMail, YahooMail, etc.).  No bounces
> > were received (as far as I know).
> > 
> >     We signed up for Microsoft's SNDS over a year ago, and added the
> > IPv4 addresses of our mail servers (unfortunately IPv6 is still not
> > supported, so more than 50% of our outbound SMTP connections won't be
> > included in whatever statistics are supposed to be provided by SNDS).
> > 
> >     After logging in, the "View Data" section indicates the following:
> > 
> >             No data for specified IPs on this date
> > 
> >     In the past we were able to download a few CSV reports using the
> > links in the "Automated Data Access" section, but now they're only
> > presenting empty files (0 bytes).
> > 
> >     Does anyone know if this just a temporary problem with SNDS that
> > occurs from time-to-time, or is there something more that we need to
> > do to get meaningful results from SNDS?  (The ChatGPT AI support bots
> > have not been helpful.)
> > 
> >     Thanks.
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Postmaster -
Randolf Richardson -
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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