If you're using Postfix on Debian Linux, this will likely be of 
interest to you...

        The updated Postfix v3.7.9 that can prevent the SMTP Smuggling 
problem by introducing the "smtpd_forbid_bare_newline" configuration 
setting is now available on Debian (Linux) v12.4.  I just upgraded my 
production servers after testing, and it's working reliably.

        (Apparently there are also options for earlier versions of Debian 
and Postfix, which are detailed in the document linked hereunder...)

        *** IMPORTANT *** Additional configuration may be needed, depending 
on a few factors:

                1. If your installation of Postfix's smtpd_forbid_bare_newline 
setting is not enabled, then you'll need to update your 
/etc/postfix/main.cf file accordingly.  You can check the current 
setting with the following comand:

                        postconf | grep smtpd_forbid_bare_newline

                This setting is explained on the Postfix web site:

                        Postfix :: SMTP Smuggling :: Long-term fix

                2. If you implemented the short-term workarounds, you may want 
reverse those changes (also in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file).  You 
can read more about the short-term workarounds, here:

                        Postfix :: SMTP Smuggling :: Short-term workarounds

                If you're not using a version of Postfix that supports the new 
"smtpd_forbid_bare_newline" configuration setting, then those 
short-term workarounds will have to suffice until you can get the 
updated version of Postfix installed on your systems.

        *** A special note of apprecaition goes to the Debian developers, 
and the entire team of people who work on Debian and contribute to 
the project, for working on this over the holiday season -- your 
efforts are important and tremendously helpful.  Thank you. ***

Postmaster - postmas...@inter-corporate.com
Randolf Richardson, CNA - rand...@inter-corporate.com
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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