Thanks for helping me confirm this friends. To close the loop, I sent an
email to and the problems appear to have halted
very early this morning (US/Central).
On 2024-01-17 03:13, Dan Malm via mailop wrote:
On 2024-01-17 08:47, Jarland Donnell via mailop wrote:
Just a quick sanity check, are others seeing intermittent failure to
reach iCloud servers? My logs are filled with:
450 Error connecting to Unexpected socket close
I've been having trouble delivering mail to them for at least 12
hours. I hope it's not just me, but it would help to know if it is.
Seeing the same from multiple icloud IPs:
Connection gets cut randomly. I see it happening on
But some other ips work, so mails do get delivered eventually.
Looking at my logs this seems to be a long-running issue with icloud,
but at a much smaller scale than now. I've got 30 days worth of logs
and I can see these errors happening throughout the whole timespan,
though at a much smaller scale; just a handful of errors per day. The
current larger issues seem to have started around 2024-01-16 20:00 UTC
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