On Tue, 6 Feb 2024, at 15:24, John Levine via mailop wrote:

On January 25 I was alerted to false positives due to Spamhaus SBL listing IP addresses of fonts.googleapis.com.

Are those IPs supposed to send mail? If not, why would an SBL listing, even a mistaken one, matter?

Thanks, that's the aspect my foggy brain missed. It only matters for those who check URIs, especially if found in the body, or more precisely the IPs of the hostnames of these URIs.

That's what their SpamAssassin Plugin for DQS does, cf. https://github.com/spamhaus/spamassassin-dqs

Rules URIBL_SBL_A and SH_BODYURI_REVERSE_SBL cause a very high rate of FPs (with default settings). The descriptions are

  Contains URL's A record listed in the Spamhaus SBL blocklist
  [URIs: fonts.googleapis.com]

  The corresponding A record of an URI contained in the body is
  listed in SBL []

So, I still got questions :) like why did these IPs end up on SBL in the first place, and why does Spamhaus check against them?

-- Andreas


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