On 09.02.2024 at 18:22 schrieb Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:

On Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 9:56 AM Gellner, Oliver via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org<mailto:mailop@mailop.org>> wrote:
While I'm no advocate on external email forwarding, SPF does not perform a good 
job on identifying emails regardless of forwarding. Most companies send emails 
from shared IP addresses (Office 365, GSuite, Sendgrid, Amazon SES, ...), so 
their SPF records are all, well... identical, which is not really useful to 
tell them apart. This opens a window for various attacks, see for example the 
recent SMTP smuggling attack. A better approach would be to get rid of SPF and 
base DMARC solely on DKIM.

Well, this is why I distinguish a properly set SPF record.

A sender has to know EXACTLY what IPs are going to be sending out legitimate 
emails from their domain name.  Not a "maybe these IPs" or "sometimes this IP 
and sometimes this other IP" it has to be an EXACT list.  And if the sender 
doesn't know what the EXACT list is... then what else are they forgetting?

But external forwarders is always going to break this.

PayPal can list EXACTLY all of the IPs that they will send out messages from.

Yes, but this requires that every sender has their own distinct IP addresses. 
However eg the over one million companies which use Office365 send their email 
from the same servers and IP addresses. So even if they all had strict SPF 
entries for their domains, this wouldn’t help to tell them apart. (For this 
reason the BIMI logo display within Gmail for example relies only on DKIM when 
performing its DMARC verification, because SPF is too easy to forge.)

The same applies to messages sent via Gsuite, Amazon SES and almost all other 
email service providers, including all shared hosting platforms on the planet. 
There are only a few SaaS providers like Cisco that provide unique sending IP 
addresses for each customer.
That’s why SPF should be retired in my opinion - it was invented in and for a 
different era when most senders were running their own MTA.

BR Oliver
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