
I think I wrote here too early: from further investigation seems like the
issue has gone and now those emails are not refused anymore.

According to the logs the issue lasted around 5 hours from 28/02/2024 07:00
CET to 28/02/2024 11:40 CET.

I had no answer from their postmaster, so I don't know if they simply found
the new rule was too aggressive or if it was a test and they will enable
the rule in future.


On Thu, 29 Feb 2024 at 10:00, Stefano Bagnara <mai...@bago.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> we are an ESP (a very small italian alternative to Mailchimp).
> Today an italian mailvox provider started refusing our emails with this
> message
> > 550 5.1.0 <b+ourvariablereturnpath@e.#customerdomain> sender rejected:
> domain does not have neither a valid MX or A record
> The "e.#customerdomain" is a CNAME record that points to app.mailvox.it
> and app.mailvox.it has both A and MX records.
> I guess Tiscali is checking only the A and MX records for the sending
> domain without following the CNAMEs: in many years this is the first time I
> see something similar and I thought that many services sending email use a
> CNAME like us as the alternative (zone delegation) is a lot more complex to
> be setup.
> I just wrote email to Tiscali postmaster to understand if they will
> consider this "a bug in the new feature" or a "feature of the new feature",
> but in the mean time I wanted to share the issue as I think other senders
> use the same CNAME solution.
> We use that CNAME host in order to align the SPF authentication of emails
> sent by our customers but our email are also DKIM aligned, so I could
> simply use @app.mailvox.it instead of the customer CNAME in the
> return-path and emails would still pass DMARC via DKIM.
> Do you know other receivers refusing emails because the sender (smtp mail
> from) domain is a CNAME?
> --
> Stefano Bagnara
> Apache James/jDKIM/jSPF
> VOXmail/Mosaico.io/VoidLabs

Stefano Bagnara
Apache James/jDKIM/jSPF
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