On 4/24/2024 10:04 AM, Al Iverson via mailop wrote:
Is disabling IPv6 an option here? A prior poster suggested as such,
but I don't know if that was just a general suggestion or if that's
actually possible in O365 settings.

But if you can .... yes, try sending outbound mail only via IPv4. A
"well known secret" is that Gmail filters mail from IPv6 connections
more harshly than IPv4. Maybe less than they once did, and certainly
you could question if it's fair or not, but I saw clear evidence of it
in the past. I personally have IPv6 disabled on my MTA because of it.

Also make sure your DKIM is set up as YOU and not just as the default
*.onmicrosoft.com that Microsoft sticks on there for those who aren't
fully configured.

If you want folks to look at headers and offer up additional
suggestions, run a test usinghttps://aboutmy.email  and share the
results link here. I'll take a look and advise, and I imagine others
will, too.

Al Iverson

They'd have to request it be disabled from Microsoft support. In the past, someone would have had to request it be enabled explicitly for it to be on in their Exchange Online tenant, because IPv6 is not enabled by default to my knowledge.

- Mark Alley
mailop mailing list

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