I'm hoping someone at Google with a clue can reach out.
I've been stuck in a 2 hour loop with a tech that knows nothing about email.

Short version:
A client uses GSuite and has an internal fax server that converts faxes to
email.  The fax server relays messages through mailgun.  It's worked for
years.  We have SPF and DKIM records.

GMail accepts the message with 250 x.x.x OK.
GSuite logs show the message being dropped into the GMail delivery pipeline.
Then there's a bounce.

So far the tech has insisted we don't have DKIM records.  Had to show him
we did because he was querying for TXT example.tld not TXT

Then he insisted we had to enable POP and IMAP.  Had to tell him that POP
and IMAP aren't involved in an SMTP transaction.

Then it was that we needed to turn on the setting to allow users to set up
custom SMTP servers for external domains.  Then it was allowing 3rd-party
oauth authentication.

Then it was that our fax server wasn't configured properly.

He just doesn't seem to get it after nearly 2 hours of chatting.  GMail is
accepting our messages, then silently junking them.

...and just as I was about to hit "Send", I got yet another "Thank you for
contacting Google Workspace Support. My name is xxx and I'll be working
with you today. While I read over your message, is there anything else
you'd like to add?"

Yay...I've been transferred for the fourth time...

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