Based on reading Spamhaus's page(referenced below), they will slowly block ALL Vultr ip address space from using the Spamhaus public mirrors.  Doesn't matter what the reverse IP address is.

But signing up for Spamhaus DQS free service, you merely change your configuration after getting a free DQS key from Spamhaus.

If you are querying their zen database, you have configured queries to use ''. You change that to ''

Lyle Giese

On 5/12/24 09:44, J Doe via mailop wrote:
Hi mailop,

I noticed that Spamhaus has posted a notice that after May 22nd, people and/or businesses making use of Vultr for their infrastructure will need to transition to a different way of querying the blocklists[1].  The post mentions that Vultr’s default reverse IP assignment masks who is querying the blocklists.

In my scenario, I have my own recursive, validating resolver running on my mail server on a Vultr instance and it has a reverse DNS name that is not the default one that Vultr assigns and I query:

Do I still need to make changes ?

I am uncertain from the blog posting if this refers to people making use of the resolver that Vultr provides or if it extends to all of Vultr’s IP space (ie. all cloud instances).


- J


[1]  See:'t-vultr-users-query-the-public-blocklists

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