On Fri 21/Jun/2024 10:55:53 +0200 Jeff Pang wrote:
Here is the drop list by iptables,

can you help take a look?

Of those 2805 addresses, 2726 are also on my block db, 79 are not.

That db currently holds 2,014,973 records. Rather than ipset or single iptables rules, the IPs are stored on a Berkeley DB. They get blocked by a few iptables rules ending in -j NFQUEUE. That passes the packet to a userspace daemon which consults the database and decides whether to drop the packet or not. See https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/ipqbdb/

It's much more do-it-yourself than fail2ban.

It would be instructive to find a way to measure the server's slackening before changing method. It is a memory vs. disk question.


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