On 2024-07-11 at 15:52:53 UTC-0400 (Thu, 11 Jul 2024 15:52:53 -0400)
Michael W. Lucas via mailop <m...@mwl.io>
is rumored to have said:

Just started getting these today. Looks like one of my colo neighbors
behaved badly. No useful info at the suggested link, no contact
given. Any suggestions on how to get my address unblocked?

outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com[] said: 550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block
    list (S3150). You can also refer your provider to
[DU2PEPF00028D10.eurprd03.prod.outlook.com 2024-07-11T16:43:51.745Z
    08DC9DEBD6582F32] (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

As far as I've ever been able to tell, S3150 means "Our Pseudo-AI thinks you stink!" and the way out is to find the link on that page for senders with problems, jump through the hoops, respond to any requests for info, and eventually get a reply from "Hotmail Sender Support" using the magic phrase "not eligible for mitigation." This incantation does not mean what it seems. It is actually a signal that you have reached the point where you can get a solution (usually?) by replying with the magic phrase "PLEASE ESCALATE THIS TO SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY ASSIST ME" which may or may not need to be in all caps.

At this point, you may need to wait up to a day for a response. It probably is advantageous if you have an existing SNDS & JMRP account and if in getting to that point you've provided a true AND plausible story of what sort of mail you send and its volume. If your pleas convince the MS Gnomes of your virtue, you will be "mitigated."

This may sound like I'm joking, but I am not. Even when working both ends of the sender/receiver relationship (as we manage customers' MS365 environments as well as running mail systems for customers) the reasons for blockage, failure to get results at the first level, and ultimate success are opaque. They may as well be magic. I have had success with this multiple times over he past few years, but many others here and in other fora seem not to have been as fortunate. No one has ever claimed to have an explanation for why a S3150 blockage happens or what exactly the 'mitigation' consists of.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo@toad.social and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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