On 22Sep24, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop apparently wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Sep 2024, Mark Delany via mailop wrote:
> > As we all know, there are only two globally addressable
> > communication systems on the planet and only one of those allows
> > participation by mere mortals such as us; namely email.
> Ah. Sending you an SMS/text doesn't constitute "participation".
> You are talking of participation at the next level up, I take it ?

I think you know the answer to this. Can you create a new SMS endpoint which is
automatically recognized by every SMS sender on the planet? In short, is there 
an MX RR
equivalent for SMS which anyone can publish?

And can you send an SMS to every recipient endpoint on the planet without 
requiring the
permission and costs of an intermediary?

> (Do you mean that the postal service is not globally addressable
>  or that it does not allow mortal participaton ?

I think you know the answer to this. Can you create a postal address which is
automatically recognized by every postal service on the planet? In short, is 
there an MX
RR equivalent for the postal service which anyone can publish?

And can you send a postal letter to every recipient endpoint on the planet 
requiring the permission and costs of an intermediary?

> > Given the inherent land-grab nature of commercial entities, there
> > will never be another email. So, if we don't hang on to what we have
> > now by being part of the infrastructure, it will be lost forever.
> This is true and important.

Right. The centralization of email is an existential threat. We already see 
email specialists advising against running your own email server and 
outsourcing to gmail or outlook.

Do not kid yourself that these players will happily create a walled garden if 
it suits
their needs. They do not have your interests at heart.

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