There would still be a discrepancy between pkginfo and pkgdb. It would be
better to handle this in GAR. An override of the maintainer field and the
addition of a builder field or some such. This wouldn't require upload
changes but should facilitate the required policy change.

On Aug 10, 2013 4:42 PM, "Peter FELECAN" <> wrote:

> We already had this discussion but we still didn't get a result.
> Now, that I need to re-spin a lot of python modules to get their
> multi-versioned packages I really feel the need of this.
> In the work related to the availability of Python 2.7.x I inherited
> without really willing the 2.x interpreters packages. I know that
> the original maintainer can get them back by uploading a new
> release, however it seems to me a little bit tedious and unduly
> augment the already big cardinal of my maintained packages set.
> What I propose is to define a new option to csw-upload-pkg, let
> name it '--nmu' which doesn't change the maintainer of an already
> cataloged package when an upload is given. The default action, when
> this option is not given, is to change the maintainer.
> I started to look at the code but I'm not really advancing as real
> life activities are requesting my attention...
> Is somebody familiar with the code and can implement this?
> --
> Peter
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