Hi Riccardo,

> Am 13.12.2014 um 23:47 schrieb Riccardo Mottola <rmott...@opencsw.org>:
> sorry for the delays, but packaging was a bit left behind, I tested your 
> changes locally, but am blocked by other problems.
>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgnustep-base += 
>> file-with-bad-content|/usr/local|root/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/libgnustep-base.so.1.24.7
>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgnustep-base += 
>> file-with-bad-content|/usr/share|root/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/libgnustep-base.so.1.24.7
>> These are for zoneinfo, there are a number of locations used, the only one 
>> should be
>>   /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo
>> and then override the /usr/share, but make sure to skip /usr/local as it is 
>> really ugly.
> What do you mean here, by skip and override? What actions could I do to fix 
> the problem? Fix the sourcecode itself?
> I found this inside:
> nstzfile.h:#define TZDIR    "/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo" /* Time zone object 
> file directory */

That means you should use
  CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgnustep-base += 
to silence the warning about /usr/share and reinplace/patch the occurrences
of /usr/local as these are probably harmful.

>>> CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgnustep-base += 
>>> no-direct-binding|/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/libgnustep-base.so.1.24.7|is|not|directly|bound|to|soname|libffi.so.5
>>> …
>> This is because LD_OPTIONS is not inherited. It is an environment-variable 
>> with the value
>>        LD_OPTIONS = -R/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/$ISALIST 
>> -R/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries -R/opt/csw/lib/$ISALIST 
>> -R/opt/csw/lib -M /home/dam/mgar/pkg/.buildsys/v2/gar/lib/map.solaris10 -B 
>> direct -z ignore
>> Please note the „-B direct“ which is missing in the resulting binaries.
> where is it not inherited? while running confiure?
> I tried this:
> LDFLAGS += -Bdirect
> this yields to this while running "mgar configure":
>        [patch-modulated] complete for gnustep-base.
> HOME="/home/rmottola" 
> PATH="/home/rmottola/opencsw/gnustep-base/trunk/work/solaris10-sparc/install-isa-sparcv8plus/opt/csw/bin:/home/rmottola/opencsw/gnustep-base/trunk/work/solaris10-sparc/install-isa-sparcv8plus/opt/csw/bin:/home/rmottola/opencsw/gnustep-base/trunk/work/solaris10-sparc/install-isa-sparcv8plus/opt/csw/sbin:/home/rmottola/opencsw/gnustep-base/trunk/work/solaris10-sparc/install-isa-sparcv8plus/opt/csw/sbin:/opt/csw/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/opt/csw/sbin:/opt/csw/sbin:/opt/csw/bin:/home/rmottola/opencsw/.buildsys/v2/gar/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/openwin/bin"
>  LC_ALL="C" prefix="/opt/csw" exec_prefix="/opt/csw" bindir="/opt/csw/bin" 
> sbindir="/opt/csw/sbin" libexecdir="/opt/csw/libexec" 
> datadir="/opt/csw/share" sysconfdir="/etc/opt/csw" 
> sharedstatedir="/opt/csw/share" localstatedir="/var/opt/csw" 
> libdir="/opt/csw/lib" infodir="/opt/csw/share/info" 
> lispdir="/opt/csw/share/emacs/site-lisp" includedir="/opt/csw/include" 
> mandir="/opt/csw/share/man" docdir="/opt/csw/share/doc" 
> sourcedir="/opt/csw/src" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/csw/include" CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe 
> -mcpu=v9 -Wa,-xarch=v8plus" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -mcpu=v9 -Wa,-xarch=v8plus" 
> LDFLAGS="-Bdirect" FFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -mcpu=v9 -Wa,-xarch=v8plus" FCFLAGS="-O2 
> -pipe -mcpu=v9 -Wa,-xarch=v8plus" F77="/opt/csw/bin/gfortran-4.9" 
> FC="/opt/csw/bin/gfortran-4.9" ASFLAGS="" OPTFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -mcpu=v9 
> -Wa,-xarch=v8plus" CC="/opt/csw/bin/gcc-4.9" CXX="/opt/csw/bin/g++-4.9" 
> CC_HOME="/opt/csw" CC_VERSION="gcc version 4.9.2 (GCC) " CXX_VERSION="gcc 
> version 4.9.2 (GCC) " GARCH="sparc" GAROSREL="5.10" GARPACKAGE="trunk" 
> LD_OPTIONS="-R/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/\$ISALIST 
> -R/opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries -R/opt/csw/lib/\$ISALIST 
> -R/opt/csw/lib -M /home/rmottola/opencsw/.buildsys/v2/gar/lib/map.solaris10 
> -B direct -z ignore" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig" 
> DESTDIR="/home/rmottola/opencsw/gnustep-base/trunk/work/solaris10-sparc/install-isa-sparcv8plus"
>  && . /opt/csw/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh && cd 
> work/solaris10-sparc/build-isa-sparcv8plus/gnustep-base-1.24.7 && ./configure 
> --prefix=/opt/csw --exec_prefix=/opt/csw --bindir=/opt/csw/bin 
> --sbindir=/opt/csw/sbin --libexecdir=/opt/csw/libexec 
> --datadir=/opt/csw/share --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/csw 
> --sharedstatedir=/opt/csw/share --localstatedir=/var/opt/csw 
> --libdir=/opt/csw/lib --infodir=/opt/csw/share/info 
> --includedir=/opt/csw/include --mandir=/opt/csw/share/man -Bdirect
> configure: error: unrecognized option: `-Bdirect'
> I can see that -B direct (space) is passed inside LD_OPTIONS, but then my 
> options ( I found this variant without spaces in linux forums) make it fail.

You can not just pass arbitrary flags to configure, they must be used in proper

> Are you meaning by "inherited" that this package configure script is ignoring 
> LD_OPTIONS? that will be perhaps harder to fix then

I would think so. LD_OPTIONS is not working by being picked up during Makefile 
execution, but
when the environment variable is assigned the linker picks up the flags 
automatically prior
to the flags from the commandline.

Best regards

  — Dago

"You don't become great by trying to be great, you become great by wanting to 
do something,
and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process." - xkcd #896

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